Saturday 16 April 2011

Puppet workshop today

A word from Barnaby:
Puppet Workshops
Giant Puppets of Macclesfield's Treacletown Twelve are going to be striding along with the Parade. Our Parade artist Jacki Clark is running a second workshop at our new premises on  Saturday 16th April 1.30- 5pm. 

Come along to work with Jacki, find out how to make the structure yourself – it can be collapsed to make it easily portable – and learn the techniques to add features and clothing according to the era that you are working with. The same techniques can be used to make smaller puppets too!

Our Barnaby Parade Workshops is on South Park Road (the old driving test centre). This has been loaned to us by Resources for Business. The address is
South Park Road, Macclesfield, SK11 6SH

If you turn by the Co Op chemists on Park Lane, the building is on your right, opposite the old St John's School building, access to the workshop is round the side through large double doors, there will be an Easel outside with the Barnaby Logo.

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