Monday, 1 February 2010

Art from the Attic

The loop likes lots of things. Thats not to say its undiscerning and actually it takes against things pretty easily too. Its not often however that it falls in love.

Sunday's view of the exhibition at Bollington Art Centre was to be one of those exceptions. Get a long to see Art from the Attic which is open on Sundays 2-4pm til the end of February. The contrasts are great from delicate bird drawings by Melanie Alexandrou to boldly vivid woodcutsand paintings by Ralph McGaul along with photographs and paintings from Gavin Barber and Patrick Cody
. Do your best to get there but if you miss this show you'll get the chance to see their work as part of the Barnaby Festival in June. Couldn't wait that long myself.

We note the Thursday showing at the Heritage Centre of the NW Film Archives selection of local film footage is sold out.

Is Film your thing?
Film-focused, organised person
(who can prove it) required to manage a local film festival. Intrigued? Contact

Art fromthe Attic:Bollington Art Centre until Feb 28 Sundays 2-4pm

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