Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Heaven Scent

Flower Power!

Raising cash for historic churches

The Churches Conservation Trust is throwing its historic doors open again to welcome the long awaited spring and launch a new year of community fund raising events across the region. Iconic Christ Church Church will be taking part on the 1st and 2nd May.

“We really hope that people enjoy this event, our Churches are stunning places full of art and incredible craftsmanship, they deserve recognition as precious cultural buildings that inspire us.” said Rosi Lister The Churches Conservation Trust’s Regional Manager “The Churches Conservation Trust now cares for over 70 historic churches across the North of England and with this growing collection of some of the most important buildings in England money is getting tighter. Heaven Scent is the first fund raiser of the year and after the long winter we have all endured – what better way to celebrate the spring!”

All Churches taking part are listed on the Trust’s website
image Christ Church courtesy Steve Thornhill. ( pictures on display in Bate Hall, Chestergate)

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