Friday, 28 May 2010

Loop 14 awaits

Normally at this time of the week we would be giving you ideas for things to do this weekend. Having been at the key board till 1am this morning finishing off the latest issue of the loop it would be mad (and tiring) to post repeats of whats already there. Hopefully you will have received your 14 page loop guide in your in box. I f not, mail us at and we'll send one over..
One tip for the weekend though: get down to Unknown Treasures at Fresh tonight to hear bands battling it out find the last two to appear at Barnaby Rocks Out, the fantastic music alldayer also at Fresh on 19th June as part of the Barnaby Festival. See for details of that and more great gigs and events.

Please note Page 11 of loop 14 under TALKS and WALKS listings for 'An Antiques evening with Adam Partidge' the correct contact number for this fundraising evening for Macc and Cong Arthritis Research uk is
01625 265416 .

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