Sunday, 12 September 2010

A trail around the town.

Join Fiona Ware and Macclesfield History Society's John Gee to learn how the town of Macclesfield has been shaped by its long history. Leaders: Fiona Ware from Cheshire East Council and Macclesfield History Society's John Gee. Monday Sept 13 10am to 1pm Meeting point: Outside Macclesfield Town Hall (SJ917737)Booking: 01625 504505 Places limited so booking essential, Partnership event, Please wear suitable clothing/boots.

1 comment:

Jacqui said...

I'd have loved to come along to this but with a 1 yr old baby it might be difficult. Will you be walking for the entire 3 hours or is it possible to join you part way round? Thanks! Jacqui