Monday, 17 January 2011

The loop is a contrary bird. Ostensibly focusing on the Arts it occasionally strays when something catches its beady magpie's eye. So here we go: recycling, green energy and a something for young people to get their teeth into. Spread the word!

The Weston Bike Project.

The aim is to have a Bike Shop on the Weston estate that children can get involved with in a beneficial way not only for themselves but for the whole of the Weston estate.

A shop that kids can bring their bikes to for repair and pay for the repair by cleaning other bikes that have been donated to us by Cheshire Police, British Rail or striping damaged bike for spares and if they haven't a bike but would like one they can volunteer to work in the shop until they have earned one.

This shop will give the children somewhere to go in the evenings instead of hanging round the streets getting up to no good, its all about the children.

This project is supported by Cheshire East Performance & Partnership, Cheshire Peaks & Plains Housing Trust, Cheshire Police, The Calvary Church and Halfords.

And if all goes well they may open a Cafe next door again for the children.....

Halfords are going to lend a qualified mechanic paid for by them until they have qualified volunteers.

but they are short of adult volunteers so......

The opening hours will probably be something like 16:30pm to 18:30pm

If you would like to get involved in this really worthwhile project contact Ken Hayter

Tel: 01625 261174
Mobile: 07748321283

image courtesy the brilliant TYWKIWDBI ("Tai-Wiki-Widbee")

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