Tuesday, 22 September 2009

Your fresh autumnal loop

You will hopefully have received your latest copy of the loop, at the weekend. We want to apologise for it arriving in your in box a few days later than planned. It was due to circumstances outside our control and we are very frustrated that some listings events will have passed. Please forgive us! With that said, its a good reminder to always keep an eye on this blog for lots of updates and prompts. Its also an ideal spot to tell us what you think (we'll take it on the chin) and what you've been along to. If you took your camera better still , share your pictures with us. Perhaps you saw the bands in South Park at the weekend?

Please can we draw your attention to an error in the listings for Bel canto choir; it meets on the 2nd and 4th Thursday not Friday each month as we said, and their phone number is 01625 616247.This welcoming group is for those who 'just want to sing for the sheer pleasure of it!'

Thanks to Macc Skate for the image which shows the graffiti produced for the Skate Jam in West Park a couple of weeks ago.

In case
you didn't receive your loop as requested, it could be that your server took a high handed dislike to it, as part of the group mail out. Please put maccloop@googlemail.com in your mail box to prevent this.

If you did get your hands on it, please feel free to forward it to like minded local friends, we would very much appreciate it. Oh yes and if you get along to something because you saw it in the loop please tell them!

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